Transformed People Lead
to a Transformed World
Today’s MBA students will shape tomorrow’s business community, arguably one of the most influential institutions in our culture. How would your community be changed by students transformed by God in their MBA programs?
Imagine companies run by Christians who apply business acumen and godly wisdom as they serve customers, employees, and investors.
Imagine ministries and causes for God’s Kingdom enhanced by more MBA alumni committed to life-long service. Imagine business leaders alive in their relationships with Christ and guided by the Spirit using their influence in every facet of life: home, church, work, and community.
Imagine how our whole world might flourish with more Christian leadership.
InterVarsity is the only national ministry focused on reaching out to MBA students. Since the early 1980s, we have planted and/or resourced fellowships at the top MBA programs nationwide, including Harvard, MIT (Sloan), Kellogg (Northwestern), Chicago Booth, and Yale. Currently, there are an average of 350 regular fellowship attendees and more than 1,000 students and faculty impacted by MBA Ministry around the country.
Our Mission
Our Ministry develops communities of world changers among MBA students, equipping them to live out their faith in Jesus through their studies and work. We partner with students and faculty at top-tier MBA Programs to transform the people, ideas, and structures of the university and business.

Our Initiatives
Campus Fellowships
Resourcing more than two dozen MBA Campus Fellowships
Annual Events
Advising the Believers in Business Conference and the Anchor Retreat
Networking Opportunities
Hosting the Christian MBA LinkedIn Group and the Christian MBA Alumni Network
Faith and Work
Supporting and partnering with Generous Giving, Faith Driven Entrepreneur & Investor, Praxis, Faith at Work Summit, Faith and Work Movement, the Lausanne Movement, and other organizations
MBA Fellowships
MBA Ministry partners with more than two dozen student-led Fellowships across the country.
Most Fellowship’s websites are linked below and usually have contact info for connecting with the student leaders. Additionally, where we have Campus Ministers at many schools whom you may also wish to contact.

Meet the MBA Ministry Team
National MBA Staff
​Upcoming Events
Our Prayers For You:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:11-13